everything you need to know
How can I book Paloma for my bridal hair and make-up?
Start with filling out the contact form. We wanna know everything! What's the theme of the party, who did you choose to photograph this special day, what dress did you buy. We think it's so important to see if we VIBE.
Can I first book a try out before I book you for my wedding?
Good question! But sorry, no - you can't book a try out separately. If you're not sure about what we do, it's good idea hto reflect on what style you're looking for. We invite you to follow us on Instagram, look at our Real Brides page and read the lovely stories from our brides.
What happens during a try out?
We understand that planning a wedding isn't something you do every week so here's what you can expect! We invite you to Palomas showroom/studio. There, you will have a maximum of 3 hours of our undivided attention whilst we take care of your hair and make-up. Please share your vision beforehand so we have time to plan how we can add to it, or even suggest new things to try.
We will create one make-up look and one hairstyling look, and if you want, we can always play around with our lovely accessories. You can find our designers here.
My wedding is on a Sunday, can you style me?
We can absolutely style you but please remember our Sunday fee. Real talk: Sunday is often the only day team Paloma can relax, enjoy our free time with friends and family, or recharge ourselves. That's why we introduced a Sunday fee. You can find out more here.
Can I book Paloma for just hair or just make-up?
Again, sorry, but no. It's both, or neither. Paloma exists of me, Laura, and a small team of like-minded souls. The only way to guarantee the smoothest course of the day and to make sure your look is perfect and unique, we only offer the combination of hairstyling and make up.
I have 10 bridesmaids and need to be ready early in the morning, is this possible?
Depends, but it's gonna be a tricky one as we need at least 50 minutes per person as our style of styling doesn't allow us to do it faster. Paloma's core consists of me, Laura, and one assistant, Oihane. To get everyone ready in time, there's always the possibility of getting our Paloma freelancers on board. Please note this comes with an extra fee.
My location doesn't allow us to enter before a certain time, how does this affect us getting ready?
That's unfortunate, and I'm sure there are solutions to this problem. We really need to be as free as we possibly can with planning your getting-ready. As mentioned before, and through experience, we need a certain amount of time. If you can't give us that time due to location related restrictions, we can't go ahead.
My bridesmaids don't want/need make up after all, can I cancel my booked services?
I can't allow you to cancel previously booked services. You can always add, if our planning allows this, but not cancel them. If you still want to cancel the service(s), we can always not excecute the service but this won't be reflected in the price. You still have to pay for them, in full.
Can you do it for less?
No, we can always do it for more ;-)